Sunday, January 13, 2013

Impressions From the First Day of Class

Reflection of Class Discussion
      A good portion of the first day's class discussion came from the question, "Why Teaching?" Why did my classmates and I chose teaching to be our profession?
      I enjoyed taking part and listening to this discussion because it was encouraging and great to hear that others were doing this for the same reasons I am. All of us are studying to become teachers to care for, love, motivate, encourage, and provide the best opportunities for the students we will one day have.
     The link below leads to a piece by CNN about why teachers teach. I find that it goes right along with our class discussion. I can really relate with one of the teachers, Mrs. Longshore. Like her, I knew I wanted to be a teacher from a very young age due to the examples my wonderful teachers set for me.

Why They Teach Despite It All - CNN

What Are Your Personal Objectives for This Class?
     My personal objective for Educational Psychology 401 is to learn as much as I can about how my students will learn so that I can adjust my teaching. I also would like to learn about proven effective ways to motivate my students and conduct my classroom. As of right now, I'm clearly not ready to take on my own classroom, but by the end of this class I hope to be a step closer to being fully prepared.

What Do You Want to Explore Deeper?
     I would like to explore topics such as: motivation, behavioral issues, and learning styles.


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